Thursday, January 3, 2013

Running Man!!!!

Hello people!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know Running Man?? It's a korean variety show.. There are 7 permanent members until now.. Actually they had 9.. but 2 of them were out because of their schedules.. 

The member's are:
  1. Yoo Jaesuk (Grasshopper,Yoo-Hyuk, Yoorus Willis, Yoomes Bond) - He's also the MC for this program
  2. Ji Suk Jin (Impala Hyung, Big Nosed Hyung) - He's the oldest one and also the weakest 
  3. Kim Joong Kook (Commander, Tiger, Sparta Kook, Kookie, Coach Kook) - He's the strongest one
  4. Kang Gary (Go Straight Gary, Gary sswi~, Peaceful Gry, Monday Boyfriend)- He's the second strongest in Running Man
  5. Song Ji Hyo (Ace, Bad Ji Hyo, Mong Ji Hyo, Miss Mong, Monday Girlfriend)- She's the only girl and she's also Running Man's Ace
  6. Ha Ha / Ha Dong Hoon (Haroro, Pororo, Penguin, Playboy Haroro) - He's the playboy figure
  7. Lee Kwang Soo (Framer Gwang Soo, Gwangvatar, Icon of Betrayal, Giraffe) - The youngest one and also the one who's always "unfortunate"
Former members are: 
  1. Song Joong Ki (Flower-boy Joong Ki, Active Joong Ki, Brain Joong Ki) - He's at the same age as Lee Gwang Soo.. It's just.. a 100% different fate.. 
  2. Lizzy (Busan Girl) - She's the carefree girl.. 

Well.. Maybe that's for now.. If you want me to upload the video sorry I can't but you can give me your e-mail so I can sent it to your e-mail.. ;)

Don't walk but run! Because it's.. RUNNING MAN !

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!!!! :D

Hi Guys!!!! Sorry It's been a while since the last post isn't it?? I'm very sorry for that... Well.. I miss you guys.. Hope you miss me... :')


Well... Let's talk about Christmas and new year...

2012... Past very fast.. Do you feel the same way?? For me.. 2012 was very fast.. many things happened  and ended. So many memories made..

Christmas.. Somehow it's snowy in Europe, America, and.. some country in Asia.. not in my country (Indonesia).. and Australia. Maybe it's summer in Australia but it's a bit rainy in Indonesia.. :(

But.. Christmas is not about the weather, the present, or anything else.. It's about your heart.. about what you feel.. Christmas is always about happiness.. What brings happiness?? For some people present can be the source of happiness but for some others, seeing other people happy can make themselves happy.. Example? Well.. Parents.. They are the best examples.. When they have have little kids, and their kids believe that Santa Claus will come every Christmas and put them present under the Christmas tree as long as they become a good kid.. Well.. Actually they are the Santa Claus.. They bought the present secretly, and put them under the tree right after their kid sleep and in the morning, when they see their children open their present and smiling brightly... For parents, what's the most happiest thing in life when they see their son/daughter happy?? I guest nothing better.. Their sweet don't they?! :')

OK... That's it.. ;) It's for Christmas...  For New year I'll post it ASAP.. Wait forward it ok?!

Christmas isn't about the present under the tree, it's about the feelings of happines that we share to others.. 

Merry Christmas!!!!

That's it guys.. Thanks for reading! Hope I can inspire you.. ;)
PS: Please share this! :)