Friday, November 23, 2012

Enjoy The Show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go, can't do it alone
I've tried and I don't know why

Well.. Hello It's still me.. :) Like what I've wrote before.. It depends on my mood whether I'm gonna write in Bahasa Indonesia or English.. :P

Well.. Do you guys realize something?? Our life is like a movie ?? or.. some kind of a show?? Yep It is.. You are the main character.. I am the main character.. We.. every single of us is the main character.. why?!?! It's because we all have our own life story.. Even though it may look same all the way, our life still different.. can be similar but not the exactly same thing.. because we all have our own way to be happy, different problems, etc.. Maybe you'll ask like this.. " Ahh.. Wish that I can have a life like his/hers.." or "I'm jealous oh his/her life... " NOOOOO!!! Never think about something like that... Why?! Like I said before... People have their own problems.. many "little" or "big" thing that you don't know about people's life.. You may think that if you have life of someone who's "rich" well.. you don't know right if their nearly to broke?? There are many problems in this life that we don't know.. That's what we call "God's Secret".. You don't know what your future will be like.. Do you have ever met a situation where.. You have a problem but you can tell anybody about it?? Not even your closest friend, relatives, even your family?! Only you and God the one who knows your problem... Well.. It's the state you'll become very very confused of what you gonna do... You must've ever heard this.. "God will always give you the way.. And it always comes at the right time... " Yep.. that thing was absolutely true.. You just have to pray.. ask God what you gonna do.. if you wanna do something ask him first.. He'll give you the best answer.. Plus you have to work hard so that you'll get a better result.. If you only pray without act.. it's a whole zero.. same as you work and think very hard to solve your problems if you don't pray.. It's also a whole zero.. Of course you don't want it right?? Well.. then.. trust me it works.. :D 

So... Quotes my quotes will be... "You're life is your own movie and enjoy your roles as long as you're  in the right way... " :)

Well... Just enjoy the show... #peaceout 

PS: Please share if you already read this... Hope that I can inspire you and also hope you enjoy reading... Peace out.. Sorry if I made some grammar mistakes...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Aku Hanyalah Aku :)

Aku hanyalah aku.. seorang remaja perempuan berusia 15 tahun yang cukup bawel dan cukup lugu (mungkin) untuk anak seumuranku.. Dan... yaaa aku lebih sering tidak dapat menyembunyikan perasaan yang ku rasakan.. Aku lebih sering mengekspresikan apa yang aku rasakan dibandingkan menyembunyikannya karena menurutku hal itu lebih nyaman karena dengan mengekspresikan apa yang aku rasakan saat itu juga dapat membuat hati ini lebih lega... Mungkin ada orang yang bilang kalo aku ini "lebay" tapi.. yaaa.. begitulah caraku mengekspresikan apa yang aku rasakan. Aku ingin menulis ini karena aku menikmatinya.. karena ini dapat menjadi salah satu caraku untuk mengekspresikan perasaan ku.. terkadang akan ada orang berpikiran "ngapain ni orang nulis kayak gini gajelas banget..","sok ide banget.." "bla bla bla..." dan seterusya.. Well.. Akan ku biarkan mereka.. biarkan mereka menilai sesuka hati mereka.. Asal aku teringat hal seperti ini.. Aku teringat juga apa yang mama dan kakak ku bilang" Jangan peduliin orang... biar mereka mau ngomong apa.. biar mereka mau ngapin.. bilang apa.. yang penting apa yang kamu buat menurut kamu udah baik dan benar.. kamu gausa takut... jalanin aja.. yang penting ga yang aneh-aneh.." then.. menurut aku.. nulis blog itu ga aneh kan?!?! It's just for fun! I love my live.. Ada quotes begini  "Do what you LOVE what you do..." kita itu harus menyukai hal yang kita lakukan.. karena dengan begitu kita baru akan punya "niat" untuk mengerjakan.. setelah itu itu baru kita melakukan apa yang kita suka.. yaaa... kalo perumapaannya sii kayak Hak dan Kewajiban.. kalo kita udah selesaiin apa yang menjadi kewajiban kita, kita bakalan dapet hak yang sudah seharusnya... Jujur.. kalo makin kebawah gini... makin bingung mau tulis apa tentang diri sendiri ini.. Well.. maybe It's time to say goodbye.. Aku bakal post blog lagi.. tapi yaa gitu dehh.. jangka waktu gaada yang bisa menentukan.. #maaf.. Aku juga mungkin akan nge-post dalan bahasa Inggris... (tergantung mood juga sii.. :P) At the end... Aku mau kasi quotes.. "At the end, you just have to be yourself.. You're special in your own way.. You cannot become someone else , because it's taken... Start to love yourself NOW! Before it's to late.. You've got nothing to regret!" :) Semoga blog ini bermanfaat.. dan bisa jadi inspirasi kamu.. :) Love you.. Thanks for reading... BYE!!! :* 

PS: Kalo boleh setelah kamu baca blog ini kamu sebar yaaa.. :)

Do what you LOVE what you do...